Face Us 2.0

Face us places a human dancer, and a non-human actor with perceived agency in a dance. Our team has built a prototype and shot the rst video of the meeting between human and non human. In this video test you can see the dancer and the robot. e view from the robot

is projected back onto the dancer and the scene for us to view. e robot uses open source face tracking to recognize the dancer to keep her centered in frame. e camera itself is on a motorized gimbal with horizontal and vertical control, at the end of a neck with horizontal movement, allowing the dancer to make use of a large range of space and movements.


Original Robot Concept: Adam Quinn Sam Lavigne

Producer: Adam Quinn Yu-Ting Feng

Director: Yu-Ting Feng

Creative Technologist: Adam Quinn Sam Lavigne

Script: Yu-Ting Feng Ho-ju Wu

Choreographer/ Dancer: Ho-ju Wu

Physical Design: Adam Quinn 

Cinematographer: Steven Tong

Music/ Sound Design: Iggy Hung

Art Department: Tiffany Chou

Equipment Support: Juo-Hsin Chen

Video Editing: Yu-Ting Feng

Project selected by Google research as part of Experiments in Storytelling

Sponser BKLYN 1834


Lost in Time Street Immersive Theater 迷失時間街區劇場
