

Garden of Smart Health Future





地點: 台北市松山文創園區松菸口設計點


JIC media group conducts a project with TDRI and Jubo Health. The project is sponsored by the Technology Department of the Ministry of Economic Affairs. It uses the human-centered design perspective to create an interactive exhibition that invites users to stop by the Smart Garden to talk about how they want to age. The experimental space of this project consists of a five-stage interactive process, which guides the experiencers to understand the basic concept and current situation of "smart care" in Taiwan. Use your imagination to create a new look for future care services or products.

The person who takes care of the demander of the product is the caregiver. "Garden of Smart Health Care" uses "park" as the concept of space design; the primary purpose is to create "a space for caregivers to breathe," and the "tree hole" with concealment and free expression of inner thoughts is the leading interactive design subject. Expect to create a two-way information exchange model for product developers/demanders.

Location: Taiwan


Deisgn Detail


Design Solution RFID Experience

TDRI approaches us to find a solution for data collection through exhibition design. We use RFID as a game ticket, and users can interact with the small games in the space. The data collect anonymously via a unique ID and make a report about the smart health future.

展場整體使用RFID 作為匿名資料收集方法,使用者在入場登入獲得樹苗小卡,並使用樹苗小卡串接整個展場的體驗。


Contactless Solution

To reduce the time and concern for the contact during the pandemic, we collaborate with Industrial Technology Research to use gesture recognition as an interaction methodology.

AR Marketing

We use an AR target tracker with the mask as a gift in the exhibition. It is essential during the pandemic and a fun digital layer to echo the concept of a smart health future.

新聞報導 PRESS


未來照顧公園 - 照護者互動體驗實驗計畫


專案經理 | 李薏芳 Yi-Feng Li (集刻互動媒體)

設計統籌 | 馮鈺婷 Yu-Ting Feng (集刻互動媒體)

技術長 | 陳秋皓 Harry Chiu hao Chen(艾瑞電創、集刻互動媒體)

科技創意+硬體工程 | 戴瑞賢 Darry Dai(艾瑞電創)

互動設計 | 馮鈺婷 Yu-Ting Feng 陳秋皓 Harry Chiu hao Chen

內容設計 | 林羿辰 Yi-Chen Lin 

空間設計|黃遠君 Yuan-Chun Huang(微波造浪

視覺設計|牛子齊 (ONE.1O Society)

動態視覺|陳揚欣 Ted Chen(第九商行)

音樂創作|陳芍安 Julianna Shuo-An Chen(KTOne Studio

平面攝影 | 蘇家葆 Brain Su (稜光映像)

展場影像紀錄製作|張凱智 Kai-chih Chang (Godplaysyou Films)

設計驅動創新 Design-Driven Innovation




特別感謝|林耕伃、Angela Sher、湯育宇、沈秀穎、Grace Hsieh


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