集刻互動媒體 JIC Media Group
JIC Media 主要成員:馮鈺婷、李薏芳、陳秋皓
一群來自紐約、擅長用科技說故事的藝術家,在2015年創立「集刻互動媒體」,無論什麼主題,都能找到來自全世界的各領域菁英,聯手打造一個又一個令人大開眼界的裝置藝術。集刻互動媒體的主要成員來自紐約大學(NYU itp)及紐約視覺藝術學院(SVA),背景涵蓋設計、電影製作、電子工程等,有豐富的跨國策展經驗,他們的作品曾多次在紐約中央車站、時代廣場、荷蘭Cinekid 展出。
合作邀請請寄信到: lihao@jic.media
Website: https://www.jic.media/
Founded in 2015 by New York-based Taiwanese artists, the JIC (Just In Case) Media Group is here to leave an impact on the culture. A seamless crossover of technology and art, the JIC Media Group, features the best artists the world can provide. Composed mainly of NYU ITP and SVA graduates, the JIC Media Group has had a fast rise. Their work has been showcased at the Grand Central Station, Times Square, Cinekids Festival, and Kaohsiung Film Festival. The talented collective highlight their Taiwanese roots with immersive installations and experiences around New York City. Featured on The New York Times, Performance Journal, CNA News, and Taipei Times, the JIC Media Group is creating a buzz with their unparalleled talent and versatility. The creative studio and artists will leave an impact on anyone as they are set to continue breaking down barriers.
2021 台灣文博會 花蓮館
據說考古隊 The Tales from Where the Land Emerged
數百萬年來,在歐亞板塊與菲律賓海板塊的相互碰撞中, 花蓮的地貌承擔了那份原始自然凜冽的撼動力,也留下了人文歲月所雕琢的溫柔,過去如此,未來依舊。

Garden of Smart Health Future
LINK UP (2020)
與偶然設計 以及簡訊設計合作的「LINK UP」透過數據分析,即時在人臉上完成科技刺青,表達科技變小,人變大的策展概念,2020台灣設計週 超連結Hyperlink 館 (T4)展出
▍關於《超連結 Hyper_Link》 #策展脈絡,請至:https://reurl.cc/D64pOR
Lab B Taiwanese Bubble Tea Festival (2018)
With the desire to create an unique experience of Taiwanese bubble tea experience, we created the Lab B, an experiential exhibition about the most popular culinary export of Taiwan. Participants had a chance to test the finest bubble teas in New York City, DIY their own bubble tea to go, and won a customized Bubble Tea Export certificate.
Project Website: https://www.bubbletea.nyc/
The Wedding Banquet (2019)
本次展覽以台灣傳統結婚文化來介紹台灣的同性婚姻運動,以「台灣同志辦喜事」作為展覽核心,從1993年李安執導的電影《 囍宴》發想,透過台式囍宴的特殊文化,輔以互動裝置呈現同性婚姻合法化的過程,以及婚權運動遭受的困境和台灣爭取民主、自由、人權的歷史。
Project website: https://www.taiwanbanquet.org/