Hello Kongzi in New York
NEW YORK • 2016
Hello 孔子紐約新媒體展
由博林文創所開發的角色Hello 孔子進行全球的巡迴,集刻互動媒體(JIC Media)跟紐約三點水(3 Drop Stuido )合作,負責策劃互動展覽的部分,用孔子的仁義禮智信的概念,結合新媒體的媒材與360的無縫投影,創造出震撼紐約客的視覺饗宴,展覽於中央車站以及時代廣場舉行。
Hello Kongzi in New York
To promote Chinese Han Shue, HelloKongzi in NYC will employ a Chinese culture and new media exhibition in Grand Central. 360 degree projection mapping of Confucius is the most spectacular part of the exhibition: It is a new 3D technology which plays with light and objects, mimicking the real environment projected upon. Through this, the Confucius image can be vividly presented.
This 3D projection mapping video is based on a three-act structure: ‘Enlightenment’, ‘Inheritance’ and ‘Integration’. As the narrator, Confucius will lead the video to introduce the spirit of Chinese Han Shue, as well as his dream of world peace. Combining modern design with the latest technology (Glitch), the images and scenes will be disassembled and reconnected in the video to surprise the audience. HelloKongzi in NYC wishes to express our respect for Chinese Han Shue by planting the seeds of Chinese culture here in New York City, hoping they will grow and continuously spread love and peace throughout the world.
Image Curtesy to Think Creative & 3 Drop Studio
360 Projection Mapping 360 無縫投影
展場最大的Show 即為擺放在正中央的360度投影,使用7 sense 的投影接合器材與四台4K投影機拼接而成,打造360零死角體驗。
Crew Credit:
Executive Producer: Sha Huang 黄沙 ( 3DROPS STUDIO)
Operations Director:Gainna Guo 郭娇
Event Design director: Nelson Lo 卢霆希
Art Director: Ao Li 李奥
New Media Producer: Yi-feng Li 李薏芳 (JIC Media)
New Media Creative Director: Yu-ting Feng 馮鈺婷 (JIC Media)
Tech Lead/Technology Integration: Deqing Sun 孫德慶 (Think Create)
Interaction Designer: Peiqi Su 蘇佩琪 (Think Create)
Creative Technologist: Fang-Yu Yang 楊芳瑜 (VR Lead)
Creative Technologist: Laura Chen 陳若昕 (VR Developer)
Technology Support: Harry chiuhao chen 陳秋皓
Set Designer: Yu-Hsuan Chen 陳昱璇
Content Designer: Yi-Chen Lin 林羿辰
Visual Design Lead: Mennie Shen 沈秀穎
Screen Designer: Abby Chen
Motion Designer: Mu-Ti Huang 黃睦迪
AV System Engineer: Laura Wikesberg
VR Animator: Goo-Shun Wang 王谷神
Motion /Content Designer/ 3D Mapping Tech Support: Hank Liu (360 Projection part01)
Motion /Content Designer: Rex Hon (360 Projection part02)
Motion /Content Designer: Alon Chitayat (360 Projection part03)
Multimedia Illustrator: Rosalie Yu
Motion Designer: Chia-Lung Liu 劉嘉隆
Composer/Sound Effect Designer: Shuo-An Chen 陳芍安
Sound Mixing Designer/Engineer: Shao-Ting Sun 孫邵庭
Sculpture Artist: Lucas Strzelec
Installation Sculptor: Uttam Grandhi
Installation Sculptor: Keith Richard Griffiths
Showreel Editing: Rex Hon (Whitelight Motion)
Background Music:It Takes Two To Tango - 2 Bit Gangster