The Wedding Banquet
A Celebration of Same-Sex Marriage in Taiwan and Beyond
NEW YORK • 2019
本次展覽以台灣傳統結婚文化來介紹台灣的同性婚姻運動,以「台灣同志辦喜事」作為展覽核心,從1993年李安執導的電影《 囍宴》發想,透過台式囍宴的特殊文化,輔以互動裝置呈現同性婚姻合法化的過程,以及婚權運動遭受的困境和台灣爭取民主、自由、人權的歷史。
The Wedding Banquet
A Celebration of Same-Sex Marriage in Taiwan and Beyond
Taiwan legalized same-sex marriage on May 17, 2019, the first in Asia to do so. This exhibition shares Taiwan's experience through decades of conflicts, social movements, and optimism to make this change possible.
The title of the exhibition, “The Wedding Banquet,” refers to Ang Lee’s famous movie from 1993. Like the movie, this exhibition brings stories of Taiwan’s LGBTQ+ community, as well as its changing wedding culture, to international audiences. The exhibition opens on June 28, 2019, in unity with NYC’s Pride month and 50th anniversary of Stonewall, to celebrate not only Taiwan's achievement, but also the LGBTQ+ community worldwide.
Position: Lead Artist & Interaction Designer
Event Website: https://www.taiwanbanquet.org/
Taiwan Media
石牆事件50周年》紐約同志遊行百萬人共襄盛舉 台灣辦展「囍宴」訴說平權奮鬥史(風傳媒)
Gay rights coalition to join pride parade in New York City (Taipei Times)
展覽資訊被放入紐約時報的電子報中 New York Time’s newsletter mentioned our show
今天以後,彩虹不應該是特別的,根據這個概念,我們將整個展場用彩虹色的LED 包圍,讓觀眾跟我們一起走進彩虹。
Crew Credit:
Project Lead: Jennifer Lu 呂欣潔
Lead Artist & Interaction Designer: Yu-Ting Feng 馮鈺婷
Project manager: Yi-Feng Li 李薏芳
Event manager: Borcheng hsu 許伯丞
Line Producer: Chiehping Chen 陳芥平
Content Designer: Debra Everett-Lane
Content Designer: Yuan-Chun Huang 黃遠君
Project Manager (Taiwan): Nai-chia Chen 陳乃嘉
Lead Visual Designer: Desiree Niu 牛子齊
Illustrator: Min Liu 劉旻
Visual Designer: Mennie Hsiu Ying Shen 沈秀穎
Visual Designer: Issa Mao 毛憶珊
Lead Physical Designer: HK Han
Physical Designer: Zhihang Fu 付之航
Set Designer: Yu-Ting Lin 林佑亭
Lighting Design: Aaron Parsekian
Lighting Design: John Wilder
Creatative Technologist: Hao Tseng 曾繁皓
Creatative Technologist: Rag 棕熊
Sound Artist: Hsin-Hwa Tai 戴欣嬅
Marketing & PR: Lanty Hou 侯任祈
Motion Designer: Chia-Lung Liu 劉嘉隆
UI Designer: Fay Sie 謝馥羽
UI Designer: Kelvin Lin 林凱偉
Consultant: Chang Tieh-chih 張鐵志